Group course on coffee for organizations
This company course is primarily aimed at departments or companies where employees want to learn more but have no existing experience. Even companies where the knowledge is useful, such as sales departments in the retail industry, or where it takes place as pure curiosity and team building. Depending on the purpose and interest, the course is designed in different ways and is often an evening, half day or full day.
However, the focus of this course is only on coffee and knowledge of different types of coffee and beans, as well as different coffee drinks.
5-8 participants SEK 11,000 ex VAT
9-12 participants SEK 13,000 ex VAT

Group course on coffee for organizations
This company course is primarily aimed at departments or companies where employees want to learn more but have no existing experience. Even companies where the knowledge is useful, such as sales departments in the retail industry, or where it takes place as pure curiosity and team building. Depending on the purpose and interest, the course is designed in different ways and is often an evening, half day or full day.
However, the focus of this course is only on coffee and knowledge of different types of coffee and beans, as well as different coffee drinks.
5-8 participants SEK 11,000 ex VAT
9-12 participants SEK 13,000 ex VAT

Training for café staff
We train staff for cafés and in the barista industry. It is both for newly started businesses and for cafés that hire new staff. This is done on a needs basis and the price depends on the number of people. The training for café staff can take place both at the company or with us.
5-8 participants SEK 11,000 ex VAT
9-12 participants SEK 13,000 ex VAT

Further education and certified barista
The second part is aimed at companies that work directly with coffee and espresso. These courses are designed for existing café staff and employees. The content and what is reviewed varies according to conditions, but the course is often designed so that there is a diploma as a barista for those who pass it. The course includes:
In-depth study on espresso and coffee drinks
Knowledge of the espresso machine and coffee grinder
Stress management and increased efficiency in the café industry
Courses for further training for baristas are adapted to customers' needs, by default it is a series of evening sessions or a weekend. The course can also be given on site in some cases.
Price for further training as a barista is from SEK 2,000 per participant.
Digital kurs för anställda på caféer
Vår digitala kurs är utmärkt för dig som vill ge din personal ökade kunskaper om kaffe, baristayrket och att jobba med kaffe i servicesektorn. Den är utformad för att ge perspektiv och användbar kunskap, inte bara om kaffe utan även om maskinerna man använder i yrket.
Kunskap om kaffe och espresso
Olika kaffedrycker och vad de innebär
Att rengöra och använda espressomaskin och kaffekvarn
Stresshantering och ökad effektivitet i cafébranschen
Grundläggande hygien för kaffeverksamhet
Totalt över 13 olika delmoment med korta och effektiv kunskap
Proffesionellt inspelade och baserad på år av erfarenhet
Pris för digital utbildning är från 2000 kr per deltagare.